Fire Alarm Inspection Form Template

Let your staff check off key tasks while inspecting fire alarms in residences and commercial buildings.

Simplify your workflows

Making sure fire alarms are properly installed is an important part of keeping the buildings you manage up to code. Add an online fire alarm inspection form to your workflow to ensure that the alarms in your buildings adhere to safety rules and regulations.

Eliminate paper processes

Traveling between sites for inspections can make maintaining paper documents difficult. Paper forms are easily misplaced or destroyed. Streamline work for your on-site inspection staff by eliminating paper from their daily workflow. When electronic forms are submitted, they can be automatically sent via email to the necessary staff or held in your form library for future reference.

Implement actionable procedures

Your staff may need to visit multiple sites on a daily basis. Use Checkbox fields on your fire alarm inspection form template to help your team quickly implement actionable procedures when they visit sites to inspect fire alarms. Employees can check off different tasks as they go about inspections.

Conduct thorough inspections

When major issues—such as faulty fire alarm wiring—are spotted and need to be resolved, use Formstack's Conditional Logic tool to ask inspectors to include a photo and a description of the problem. Collecting additional information as soon as a problem is identified will help you determine whether additional staff is needed to resolve the issue.

Access your form anywhere

Your staff may find themselves at a location without an internet connection. With the Formstack Go app, your employees can collect information offline without having to alter their workflow or resort to paper documents. All our forms are mobile-optimized, making it easy for your team to submit their fire alarm checks from a phone or tablet.

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